Daily Washroom Cleaner 1Ltr
Description of product:
Pleasantly perfumed concentrated all round washroom cleaner. Contains powerful bactericide. Effectively kills bacteria on all hand touch surfaces - taps, toilet flush handles, door handles etc.
How to use:
Follow the pictorial guide on the bottle. Squeeze bottle to fill the top reservoir, when the reservoir is full tip the contents into either a trigger spray bottle or a bucket containing warm/hot water. A second dose may be necessary in larger buckets, do not repeat the dose into trigger spray bottles.
Detailed Information:
Appearance: Clear liquid
Colour: Deep Red
Fragrance: Floral
Cloud Point: >40
pH - undiluted: 2.0
Shelf life: 2 years in a unopened container
Biodegradability: All biocides/disinfectant/preservatives contained within Selden products fully comply with the EU Biocidal product Directive 98/8/EC, ensuring a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment. All surfactants contained in Selden Products meet the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive 2005 – 2004/648/EC. This requires all surfactants to break down both quickly and completely into harmless material such as CO2 and water.
Quality Assurance: This product is manufactured in the U.K. Under an ISO 9001 Quality Management System Cert. No. FM 09535 and an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Cert. No. EMS 506072 registered by the British Standards Institution.